7 Step Start-up – Making Business Start-up Simple


Welcome to 7 Step Start-up …

Seven Step Startup is a new process building on The Strategy Cafe’s “CaFE process” that supports potential entrepreneurs to develop their Business Ideas and more effectively progress towards setting up their new enterprises.

The process uses a mixture of prompts, light touch facilitation, constructive challenge and progressively works towards a full Business Plan, with reality checks along the way towards developing a funding proposals and relevant prompts for any needed protection of intellectual property, legal contracts and and tax issues relevant to their business model.

This more detailed and considered approach to start-up should significantly improve the probability of success and longer term sustainability of the new venture.

The 7 Step Process as a Wordle
The 7 Step Process as a Wordle

In this on-line version of the course we will follow the workbook steps:

Step 1 – looks at the 3 Critical Success Factors or common failure points in businesses.
Step 2 – uses the CaFE Process issues based approach and 7 Cs to develop a clear and congruent model of the intended business.
Step 3 – prompts the would be entrepreneur to Research and Market Test their forming idea in advance of …
Step 4 – developing an outline Business Plan.
Step 5 – prompts consideration of the Financial needs of the business based on the Entrepreneurs personal financial needs and the intended Business Model’s start-up costs. With these fully considered it is easier to focus on potential sources of investment and low cost start-up strategies.
Step 6 – deals with key Formalities to protect the founders, their funders and followers i.e. the staff, customers, clients.

Step 7 – deals with the S.P.A.M. – Selling, Promoting and Marketing.


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